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Our Affiliations


Fla Bar flame 2The Florida Bar

About the Bar

Leadership : Leading The Florida Bar is the Florida Bar President and our Board of Governors.

Organization: A guardian for the integrity of the legal profession, The Florida Bar is the statewide professional organization of lawyers.

Sections & Divisions: Section membership is voluntary and offers information and education in a specific area of law. Sections also provide opportunities to meet other attorneys within an area of practice.

Committees : Appointment to a committee can be a stimulating and rewarding experience. These groups, along with the governing Board, do much of the work of The Florida Bar.

Staff Contacts: The Florida Bar staff serves as an in-depth resource for our members and the public on Bar services and programs. Bar staff are listed by program area.

Legal Division Branch Offices and Staff: The Florida Bar Legal division has branch offices handling lawyer regulation and the unlicensed practice of law in five locations around Florida.

Bar Employment : Apply for exciting employment opportunities at the Bar.

Screen shot 2014-10-02 at 5.08.06 PMBusiness Networking & Referrals (BNI)

About BNI

Our Philosophy
The philosophy of this organization is built upon the idea of “Givers Gain®”: By giving business to others, you will get business in return. This is predicated on the age-old idea of “What goes around, comes around.”
Our Mission
The mission of BNI is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive, and professional “word-of-mouth” program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.

chamberofcomMiramar-Pembroke Pines Chambers of Commerce.

What is the Chamber and what does it do?
Established in 1969, the Miramar Pembroke Pines Regional Chamber of Commerce is the premier business organization serving Southwest Broward County. The Miramar Pembroke Pines Regional Chamber of Commerce is made up of 500 members representing businesses of all sizes, from single-person shops to corporations with thousands of employees. We have members who have just started their business and members who have been in business for more than a century. The Miramar Pembroke Pines Regional Chamber of Commerce advances its membership business agenda through advocacy, leadership and engagement.

broward barBroward County Bar Association

About Broward County Bar Association

Broward County Bar Association began over 75 years ago, when several Broward County lawyers decided it was time to form an association. On June 7, 1956, a Charter was filed in Broward County Circuit Court under the name Broward County Bar Association at Official Records Book 653, pages 76 though 79.

The first annual meeting of the BCBA was held at the Middle River Inn in Fort Lauderdale in 1926, with about 35 members attending the dinner, including visiting attorneys from Ohio and New York. (The population in Broward County was approximately 5,000. There are now more laywers in Broward County (around 8,000 in 2008) than people in 1920!

On December 20, 1962, the Association passed an Amendment to Article IV of the Association. On January 14, 1963, the Charter with the Amendment of Article VI was filed with the Secretary of State. The Amendment eliminated the office of Sergeant-at-Arms and created the office of Past President. It also provided the the Association’s Executive Committee would consist of not less than five nor more than 15 members of the Association.

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